Mounir Troudi | Sufi Singer, Tunisia

I have recently been struggling with the issue of Zimbabwe but I want to take a break and introduce you to some interesting music from Tunisia. When I was staying with Najet Belkhodja in Tunis recently I met up with Mounir Troudi. Here is some wonderful footage of Tunisia and life lived in North Africa. Mounir Troudi the amazing Sufi singer from Tunisia teams up with Antonio Maiello the Neopolian Folk singer with the Mediterranean Orchestra. This is a video for those that just love music.

*N.B. If these links don't work please cut and paste and watch on the YouTube link:

Here is a slightly different version with images of the Mediterranean Orchestra

*N.B. If these links don't work please cut and paste and watch on the YouTube link:

Hope you enjoy them as much as I do......


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