
Showing posts from January, 2021

Mickaël Bethe-Sélassié ~ 1951 - 2020 (English Version)

  Rio, Brazil, 1987   On 5 th December 2020, the Art World lost one of the most quintessential African Artists, Grandmaster of Papier Mâché and prolific in his artworks, Mickaël Bethe-Sélassié, died in Paris of heart failure aged 69. He was a mildly spoken, sensitive and creative man; his mythical characters where enjoyed by all age groups and his modesty was exceptional. He achieved so much in his lifetime closing the gap, slightly, between Africa and Europe. Born on 15 February 1951 in Dire-Dawa, a remote village in eastern Ethiopia. He was the youngest of three siblings. His father worked in the Ogaden desert, the dusty heart of Ethiopia's war-torn Somali regional state. In 1953, aged 2, Mickaël’s father dies and his Mother sensibly, takes the family to the Capital, Addis Ababa. Where they lived with their Grandparents.   Mickaël was e ncouraged by his Catholic Mother and was a keen student at Lycee Guebre-Mariam, where he achieved his baccalaureate, in the scie...

Mickaël Bethe-Sélassié ~ 1951 - 2020 (French Version)

 Excuse me this is a Google Translate not a very good version of the French...I apologize but I had no help from friends because they where just TOO BUSY!   Rio, Brazil 1987     Le 5 décembre 2020, le monde de l'art a perdu l'un des artistes africains les plus par excellence, grand maître du papier mâché et prolifique dans ses œuvres, Mickael Beth-Selassie, est décédé à Paris d'une insuffisance cardiaque à l'âge de 69 ans. homme; ses personnages mythiques étaient appréciés de tous les âges et sa modestie était exceptionnelle. Il a accompli tant de choses au cours de sa vie en réduisant légèrement l'écart entre l'Afrique et l'Europe.   Né le 15 février 1951 à Dire-Dawa, un village reculé de l'est de l'Éthiopie. Il était le plus jeune de trois frères et sœurs. Son père travaillait dans le désert d'Ogaden, le cœur poussiéreux de l'État régional somalien ravagé par la guerre en Éthiopie. En 1953, à l'âge de 2 ans, le père de Mickaël meurt e...