I'M DONE by Joe Pollitt

A Discussion with the Ladies of Art in Holland. RaQuel van Haver RaQuel van Haver starts by announcing she is DONE! "Ok I'm done: We artists do need to pay a lot for our materials, transport , time etc.. a lot.. ( most of the time upfront ) Why do people still expect that all we do is all for free.. That it's OK to not pay us all of the sudden or just wait for 5 months.. We do get in trouble , trying to fix things in impossible ways. So many artist do "suffer "from this. It's not normal .. We do need to stand up to this. I'm done!" RaQuel van Haver Then comes the untrained potty mouth POLLITT. Joe Pollitt Declares: Furious, I have been forced to sell my Originals on Ebay. Artists have NO FUCKING PENSION and the RENT IS DUE! Still to pay my water rates, electricity and gas...reason for photo to be so shit...shot under candlelight. http://www.ebay.co.uk/.../International.../401403815148 My mate's dog is fed twice a day, is taken out fo...