
Showing posts from June, 2017

CRISIS IN AFRICA by Keilah Wells

Meeting Joseph Kony (2006) The Great Freedom Fighter and Leader of the Lord's Resistance Army | LRA *NB This is one of the greatest interviews ever. My respect goes out to Mohammed Vall from Al Jazerra. Please listen to this, all you who are interested in Uganda and Global Politricks. Interview with Al Jazerra   I want to write this out so slowly, quietly because it is means the world to me. We need to look at the systems that have been put into place that are failing the entire international community. When doctors, lawyers and educators become refugees can they enjoy life in a mud hut? What is happening is quite amazing. The camps are turning into settlements soon to become reservations, it is all a matter of semantics and we are watching the development of Africa in a way that is so brutal and cruel. Dictators are using AID to develop their interest and the richer Nations of the UN are being held over a barrel to comply. Who has the right to a swimming pool, a gym and fresh foo...

Great African Civilizations | Zulus of South Africa

The last in the series is about Zulus and South Africa and Ghana in West Africa and to end with Ethiopia and their determination and defiance to never becoming Colonized.

Great Africa Civilizations | Transatlantic Slavery

This is an exceptional part of the series and perhaps the most exciting for those that feel displaced. Part 5 looks at the issue of Transatlantic Slavery | This is a documentary that all of us, world wide should watch. Excellent stuff.    

The Great African Civilization


Managing Blackness | African Identity in 21st Century | Morocco

Managing Blackness: the Politics of Race and the Economics of African Identity in 21st Century Morocco A lecture by Aomar Boum (UCLA) Thursday, February 16, 2017 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM 352 Haines Hall UCLA Due to global warming and political conflicts, illegal immigrants from sub-Saharan, central and West Africa are settling in Moroccan urban centers, waiting for an opportunity to continue their journey to Europe. This has led to the emergence of new discourses about race and blackness in Moroccan society. The social anxieties about the increasing public presence of black immigrants in Moroccan public spaces have rekindled historical and traditional discourses about blacks. In this context the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), a Moroccan public institution devoted to the protection of human rights, has advocated for a new policy that recognizes the human and legal rights of sub-Saharan immigrants and refugees. In fact, while racist incidents towards sub-Saharan African immi...

Redefining Zion | Tanzania

Monique Bedasse (left) and Marcus Hunter of the UCLA Department of Sociology (right) at the February 27, 2017 workshop. (Photo: Kevin Sprague/ UCLA.) Redefining Zion: Rastafarian repatriation to Tanzania Historian Monique Bedasse recently spoke about Rastafarian repatriation to Tanzania, the emergence of self-governing Caribbean and African nations and transnational pan-African politics. "[Rastafarians'] desire to return to Africa — which they called Zion — spiritually, intellectually, psychologically and physically signified their resistance to what they believed to be oppressive circumstances in Babylon, [their word for] Jamaica and the White western world, as well as their desire to reclaim their identities." By Kevin Sprague (UCLA 2018) UCLA International Institute, March 14, 2017 — On February 27, 2017, Monique Bedasse of Washington University in S...