CRISIS IN AFRICA by Keilah Wells

Meeting Joseph Kony (2006) The Great Freedom Fighter and Leader of the Lord's Resistance Army | LRA *NB This is one of the greatest interviews ever. My respect goes out to Mohammed Vall from Al Jazerra. Please listen to this, all you who are interested in Uganda and Global Politricks. Interview with Al Jazerra I want to write this out so slowly, quietly because it is means the world to me. We need to look at the systems that have been put into place that are failing the entire international community. When doctors, lawyers and educators become refugees can they enjoy life in a mud hut? What is happening is quite amazing. The camps are turning into settlements soon to become reservations, it is all a matter of semantics and we are watching the development of Africa in a way that is so brutal and cruel. Dictators are using AID to develop their interest and the richer Nations of the UN are being held over a barrel to comply. Who has the right to a swimming pool, a gym and fresh foo...