Lagos Art Fair X

Nigerian | Akinwande Ayodeji Akinola It is quite an art to offend and impress at the same time. You have to find the rhythm in the words written and have a great sense of p oetic timing a long with plenty of old - fashioned love. African Art can do this so simply esp ec iall y w hen it comes to how to commercialize Art. To make African Art as desirable as European Art. To Westernize a Continent, to create honey traps for Artlovers. Art Fairs, Auction Houses, Benefits and Private Views. This seems so upside down f or most Africans but it is essen tial for the best of A frica n Art be made visible to the wider world . What is usually so inclusive and necessary within most Africa n Soc ieties ha s be e n rep laced by som ething more c ommerc ial, soul less and e mpty art. Art that is appealing in it's o bvious avail abil ity for the Super rich and doable for those on a budget. T he tables have turned and Westernized Africans are coming home with different appetites than previo...