Marc Ona Essangui Campaigning in Gabon

GABON is better known as the LUNGS of AFRICA. Today Marc Ona Essangui has asked us to investigate the Singapore AgriBusiness OLAM and it's legal stand in raping Gabon of 300,000 Hectares of Tropical Rainforest. What will be the impact on the inhabitant s - the wildlife and the people? Has the Gabon Government been bought by an International Corporation, mindless of the environmental effects this sort of project will have on the global ecology? Who will protect the FOREST but us? We must STOP THIS PROJECT IMMEDIATELY Until such time as the people of the World are comfortable that the damage will be minimal and all those effected with be compensated. Corrupt African Leadership should be yesterday's news. ACT NOW! Mr. Sunny George Verghese is the MD/CEO of OLAM - HAS HE ALLEGEDLY, BRIBED GABON LEADERS TO STEAL THE LUNGS OF AFRICA? PUT A STOP TO THIS PROJECT.....THE HEALTH OF THE WORLD IS AT STAKE. We need to investigate: Olam International Limited 9 Temasek Bou levard #11-02 Sunt...