Cattle Dung Artworks Artworks by Ugandan Artist | Eria Sane Nsubuga - 2012 - 50 Years of Independence and life has changed so very little. Here is an artist clearly angry with many aspects of the world. The Art World. The Third World. The Lack of Development in his World. Here is an artist that Amnesty and Liberty should be aware of. He has done more this year for Uganda than any other person in East Africa in the last 50 Years - We must celebrate the artistic bravery of Eria Nsubuga and ensure his works are seen, understood and written about. The present day issues within Museums around the world of the primitive mixed with the modern. The tribal with the contemporary - these works are strong responses to those outside Africa, representing the Continent so poorly. Guy Fawkes Day My Right To Be Heard Tolerance Repect for Divergence Cattle Dung - Ugandan Cultery Cattle Dung Sculptures Kifete - Tribute to Romano Lutwamo When an artist or an individual uses dung, feces, excrement or shit ...